In the sprawling tapestry of California's political landscape, a startling hue emerged: the vibrant crimson of Trump's...
In a fiercely contested race that captivated Nevada, Jacky Rosen emerged victorious, securing a coveted U.S. Senate...
Amidst rising tensions over Taiwan, Fox News Delves into the Crucial Question: Would the US Stand by...
Mark your calendars, folks! The Oval Office is set to host an anticipated meeting between President Trump...
In an electoral twist, Moderate Republican Don Bacon emerges victorious, fending off challenges in Nebraska's highly contested...
Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House, downplayed the loss of control in the House of...
In a move that's thrown a wrench into the transition process, President-elect Trump has raised concerns about...
In the desolate aftermath of electoral defeat, the once-mighty Democrats find themselves adrift, grappling with the sobering...
While some analysts predicted a shift in Trump's coalition in 2024, recent polls reveal a striking resemblance...
What was once old could soon be new again. Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who served under...