5 Signs That You’re Not Loved, You Are Being Used

5 Signs That You’re Not Loved, You Are Being UsedConditional Affection:

Genuine love is unconditional and consistent, not based on what you can offer. If affection seems tied to what you provide, it could signal being used.
Lack of Reciprocity: Healthy relationships involve mutual love and support. If you give more than you receive without emotional investment in return, it might indicate one-sided use.

Manipulative Behavior:

Watch for controlling tactics like guilt-tripping or gaslighting. These behaviors exploit without considering your well-being.

Disregard for Your Feelings:

Consistent disregard for your boundaries or emotions shows a lack of care for you as an individual, prioritizing their agenda over your well-being.

Inconsistency in Behavior:

Beware of erratic behavior – affection shown only when beneficial to them signifies being used rather than genuinely loved.

Trust your instincts and prioritize your emotional health. Recognize these signs, reassess relationship dynamics, set boundaries, and seek support if needed. You deserve genuine love and respect for who you are.