Amidst the judicial proceedings, a covert play unfolds as defendants implicated in the January 6th insurrection maneuver...
In the political arena, where the spotlight often falls on towering figures, another name has recently risen...
Trump's Controversial Choice Stirs Unease in Justice Department
Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, already...
In a stunning turn of events, Congressman Matt Gaetz stepped down days before an ethics committee report...
Fear permeates Senate Republicans as whispers of a potential nomination for staunch Trump loyalist, Matt Gaetz, to...
Amid the political tempest, President Trump has unleashed a whirlwind of unexpected picks for key positions, setting...
Trump Enters Russia-Ukraine Quagmire: Kyiv’s Fate Hangs in Balance
Former US President Donald Trump's recent foray into Russia-Ukraine...
In a bold move, Trump sends shockwaves through the establishment with his latest appointments. Gaetz, Gabbard, and...
In an unprecedented encounter, former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden came together at the White...
The electoral calendar keeps ticking off important post-election dates. The final certification of electoral votes is set...