Couple earning $100,000 each say they’re struggling to pay their bills

Couple earning $100,000 each say they’re struggling to pay their bills
Featured Image Credit: SWNS

While a combined income of $200,000 per year is generally considered a high income in many parts of the world, financial struggles can still arise due to various factors such as high living costs, debt, unexpected expenses, or poor financial management. It’s essential to look at the specific details of their financial situation to understand the challenges they are facing. Here are some common reasons why a couple with a $200,000 combined income might feel financially strained:

High Cost of Living:

The cost of living can vary significantly depending on the region. In some expensive cities or areas, a $200,000 income might not go as far as it would in a more affordable location.

Natalie and Keldon have had to ditch their expensive gym memberships. Credits: SWNS


If the couple has significant debt, such as student loans, credit card debt, or a mortgage, a substantial portion of their income may be going towards debt repayment, leaving less for other expenses.

Lifestyle Choices:

High-earning individuals may sometimes adopt a lifestyle that matches or exceeds their income, leading to increased expenses. This could include expensive housing, luxury goods, or frequent travel.

Natalie admitted that she was ‘living beyond her needs’. Credits: SWNS

Medical Expenses:

Health care costs, even with insurance, can be a significant financial burden. If the couple is dealing with medical issues or has high out-of-pocket expenses, it can impact their budget.

Family Size:

The size of the family and the number of dependents can also impact the available funds. Childcare, education, and other family-related expenses can add up quickly.

Unforeseen Expenses:

Unexpected events like car repairs, home maintenance, or sudden job loss can strain any budget, regardless of income.

Poor Financial Management:

Sometimes, the issue might be related to financial management skills. If the couple isn’t budgeting effectively, saving, or investing wisely, it can lead to financial difficulties.

To address these challenges, the couple should consider creating a detailed budget, reviewing their spending habits, identifying areas where they can cut costs, and possibly seeking the advice of a financial planner. Additionally, they might explore opportunities to increase their income or make adjustments to their lifestyle to better align with their financial goals.