Dolphin recorded speaking ‘porpoise’ revealing world’s first animal speaking to a different species

Dolphin recorded speaking 'porpoise' revealing world's first animal speaking to a different species
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Dolphins are well known for their sophisticated communication abilities, including clicking, whistling and body language to communicate among members of their own species. As of my last update in January 2022, there have been no scientifically verified cases where dolphins have communicated linguistically with porpoises or any other species similar to human language.

Kylie the dolphin was separated from her pod.
Getty Stock Photo

However, it should be remembered that dolphins and porpoises – among other cetaceans – possess sophisticated communication systems which allow them to exchange information among themselves as well as coordinate behavior within their species. This may involve vocalizations, body postures or behaviors which facilitate social interactions, hunting or navigation activities.

Kylie doesn't communicate like other dolphins.
Getty Stock Photo

Research into cetacean communication continues to shed light on their dynamic social lives and cognitive abilities, such as dolphins speaking “porpoise” or communicating linguistically with other species in their environment. While no direct evidence has yet emerged, ongoing studies may uncover new insights into how cetaceans interact and communicate among themselves or with other organisms that share their environment.