In the nail-biting race for the House, the fate of the razor-thin Republican majority hinges on three...
Republican Party
In the crucible of an election year, the downfall of Congressman Matt Gaetz and the enduring mandate...
In the labyrinthine corridors of political predictions, midterm elections often serve as breadcrumbs tracing the potential path...
Amidst swirling uncertainties, the enigmatic nexus of politics and medicine has unveiled a curious turn. Trump's piercing...
Trump's embattled presidency took another hit this week with the resignation of Matt Gaetz, a staunch ally...
Matt Gaetz's exit from Congress has reverberated through the political landscape, leaving behind lessons to ponder.
1. Political...
With Matt Gaetz out of the race, three high-profile conservatives have jumped into the presidential race. But...
In the secluded halls of an undisclosed retreat, a clandestine assembly of rising MAGA donors convened. Their...
Ethics Probe Shadows Gaetz Amidst Resignation Pressure
Matt Gaetz's resignation from Congress faces resistance as Ethics Committee Chair...
In a resounding electoral triumph, the Republican Party's former luminary has emerged victorious in a pivotal race....